Monday, June 2, 2014


Help! We need missionaries!

I know missionary work is not easy--I do it day in and day out--but how I feel when I have the chance to share and to testify, keeps me going. It's something I will never regret doing, and something I will never cease to participate in. Full-time missionary or not, I'm called to serve, and so is every member of Christ's church.

Whether it be in visiting teaching, in a conversation with a friend, or on a mission, boldness is the key to a successful discussion.

This week, I did a write-up on being BOLD. On Tuesday, our District set our own accountability for this month. We decided that the thing that would help us the most as missionaries would be to have better companionship studies. We set the commitment to study out of Preach My Gospel and do a role-play every day as a companionship. That day, my companion and I did the activity on page 199 in Preach My Gospel. Following our role-play, I decided to write "5 Steps to Boldness" before I went to bed that night.

5 Steps to Boldness:

Step #1: Be confident in Christ and in God; they know what they're doing.

Step #2: Be confident in yourself.-- God trusts you enough to have put that person in your path. He believes in you, so you better believe in yourself!

Step #3: Know it! Fact it!-- What you know is not just a belief. As Jacob, Ammon, Amulek, Alma, Peter, and so many more, you KNOW these things are true. You know it so much that you sacrificed 18-24 months to tell others about what you know. You know it so much that you went out of your way to prepare. You know it so much that you are willing to talk about it. You know it! So always say things as fact, because Christ did come, and He does live, and He wants nothing more than every child of God to be a member of His church--so that they can receive the blessings that come from following Him.

Step #4: Scriptures!-- The spirit will be there every time you use the Book of Mormon, because it tells it like it is: Truth. Many times, people are afraid to use the Book of Mormon with those who don't believe in it, but if they are truly searching for the truth, they will hear truth and feel truth when you read.

Step #5: Eliminate Fear-- Fear cannot dwell where faith resides. Pray, read the scriptures, role-play, fast, share your testimony, be obedient, accept a calling, reach out to someone! You will gain strength as you build your faith.

Reach out to someone today. Send them to ! Offer a blessing! Invite them to church or to a church activity! Just do something! I promise that you will see miracles if you make the effort to be a true disciple of Christ.
Be bold! Be true! Be loving! The Lord will be there to guide you. You are never alone in this, so keep the faith!

Sister Johanna Mae Palmer
A Sister Missionary in the California Riverside Mission