Monday, July 28, 2014

For God So Loved

I have realized--on my mission even more so than before--that people deal with things a whole lot differently than one another.

While some may lose all sense of belonging when a loss comes, others will cry for a time and then move on. Still, others will merely label it as another chapter in their life or another door that has closed and never even pause. There are many varieties of pain, and so, there are many varieties of processing such pain. One thing that will never change, no matter the situation or who is affected, is the love that our Savior, Jesus Christ, has for each and every one of us.
The nature of the Savior is the same as the nature of God. Love. Their personalities come out significantly in the book John in the Bible. Chapter 3, verses 16-17 state,

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
"For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved."

Thus we see that God is truly a loving God; in fact, so loving that He allowed Jesus Christ to come down to this wicked and cruel Earth, so that Christ could show His love for us, and provide a way for us to gain salvation. That is true love. And this is why, in John 10:30, the Savior says,
"I and my Father are one."
Then, in John 15, knowing that we are human, we again learn of their love, but this time He clarifies. In verses 23-24, He proclaims His love for us and how it is like the love that His father--our Heavenly Father and our God--has for us. They are two separate beings, unified under their love for us.

As Christ lovingly knelt in the Garden of Gethsemane, He bled from every single pore, and suffered every single pain. As He cried out in pure agony, He took on YOUR weaknesses; He took on YOUR pains; He took on YOUR guilt; He felt YOUR emotions. He saw YOUR face. He knows you. He knows you better than you know yourself.

If what Jesus Christ has done for each and every one of us is not enough; if it is not the greatest representation of true, pure, undying, selfless love; if it is not the greatest comfort to you; if this knowledge does not make you want to be a better person, then you need Him in your life right now even more. Because He is, without a doubt, YOUR Savior and Redeemer, and you cannot change that.

You are loved! Always remember that!


Sister Palmer
A California Riverside Missionary

Jesus Christ

Life is sometimes really difficult. Actually, often, it is so confusing that it almost seems impossible. Missionary life is no different, but for some reason, I thought it would be.

For some reason, I thought that being set apart as a missionary would automatically make me immune to the diseases of the world. Not physical ailments; I can deal with that. I mean being spiritually... wracked. I mean the colds, illnesses, and diseases of the mind and soul that human nature and the worldly vices cause.

Somehow, I had gotten it into my mind that missionaries are always super spiritual, and always Christlike, and always excited about everything, and always happy. I thought those things came easily to missionaries. They were like superheroes in my mind: people to aspire to become like. What I didn't realize is that I was aspiring to become like Christ, because He is the only person to walk this Earth that could ever match that description. The only person who could match the definition of a good missionary the way I saw it, is Jesus Christ. The same Christ that makes us Christians.

Time and time again, I have been told that I am not Christian. I can point out on my name tag and the name of His Church, Christ's name, a million and two times and they still will not see it. That's how it is for them, though. I was reading in John as I thought about this. John is my favorite book in the Bible I do think. It's so full of just what I need! He was talking about how there were those who did not recognize Christ even though He stood right before them.

I want everyone to know, it is okay. It's alright that many do not recognize that missionaries and members alike are representatives of Christ. Some may never will see Him in anyone. As sad as it makes me, it is their choice to come closer to Christ, not mine. And it is not our place to judge them for that. There will come a day when they will understand, and that day, I hope you will stand with Christ. Knowing Him.


Sister Palmer
A California Riverside Missionary