Saturday, January 18, 2014

Missionary Misconceptions

There are some misconceptions about Latter-Day Saint missionaries.

We often get confused with Jehovah's Witnesses and are shot down right away. When we begin to teach someone who takes the time to listen, they don't really understand the point of us being there.

For those who don't know who we are or what we do, here's an explanation:

As missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, our purpose is to INVITE others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, the gift of the holy ghost, and enduring to the end. INVITE. That's what we do. We invite and help. That's all. We don't force you into submission or pressure you into it, we don't need more numbers in our church congregation, and we don't want your money. We are here to give you a chance to come closer to Christ. Whether you are a member or not, you can and will benefit from having the missionaries in your home as regularly as possible.

Here are a few of the things I get a lot:

"You're really young. How old are you?"
Yes, I am young. There is no question, most of us are. I am 19. Some of the Elders are 18. We are just kids, plain old kids. We have not been trained from birth for manipulation and persuasion, as some believe. We have not gone to special training camps or academies. We are not all super unique, or talented, or genius. We are just young people who have found Christ, and we absolutely love following
His example.
We are not there to just talk. If you need someone to just talk to, we can help find a friend who will listen, but we are on God's time, not our own.

There have been many stories and many times where, when we begin to teach someone, this person looks forward to our visits and we absolutely love visiting. Once we ask that individual to commit to baptism, he or she says, "Oh...well, I just like you. I don't believe in your church." If you have done this, let me ask you this: Why did you like them so much? Is it because they were good listeners? Did they make you feel good when they came over? When they spoke, did it feel like they were smart and mature and fun and confident?

That is because they are CALLED OF GOD. Worthy members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who hold the proper authority from God to do so, have placed their hands upon those missionaries' heads and have set them apart from the world. They are God's messengers to bring you unto Christ. To INVITE you to hear the wonderful message they know to be true. They love God. They know He loves them. But most of all, they know that God loves you.

They are sincerely there to baptize you and to get you to church. But that sounds less than it really is. If you are ready to be baptized, it means you have found Christ. You are doing the things you need to in order to become like Him. When you go to church, you are showing God that you not only have faith in Him, but that you are trying to earn the blessings that He wants to give you.

Missionary work is not easy, it is often not fun, and we don't get anything from being a missionary.

Why do we do it? Because our families are forever. We want yours to be too. Because we are happy. We know who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. We want you too as well. 

It's simple. Missionaries are good people. Flat out truth. Because we try so hard to be.

So become a missionary. Bring someone unto Christ. If that means you must first come unto Christ, then do so. You will NEVER regret it.

With love,
Sister J. Palmer
California Riverside Mission

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