Monday, December 30, 2013

I Wonder What We Put Him Through

I often wonder what it must be like to be God.

Imagine putting on a pot of water. It is on high heat and it starts to boil over, but you cannot get to it. You try, you feel like you are running, but you never get any closer.Then, you remember you spilled oil all over the old stove the night before, and it had run down into the hot plates. You had meant to clean it up, but in the midst of everything, you had been forced to direct someone else to do it. Now all you can do is watch as their failure to follow instruction mixes with the hot element and boiling water. The old gas stove catches aflame.

Faster. You run, desperately reaching out.

The smoke detector beeps wildly and in runs your loved ones. They turn to you, calling out for help, calling for guidance, begging you to help them. They cannot hear your words over the frantic wailing each person emits, and your answers go unnoticed. Tears stream down their faces. Now theirs match yours.You're stuck. You cannot move. All you can do now is watch them endure it.

Then, the stove explodes.

As the ashes settle, you realize the trial is over. They are gone. You had done everything you could have to prevent the tragic outcome, but someone had not listened. And so, many suffered.

This must be what it is like to be God.

He directs. He warns. He advises. He sends messengers and signs. And yet we don't always listen and obey. In the end, when we do not heed His councils, something explodes.

I never want to put God through that. Not ever.

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